Telugu Baby Girl names Starting with G Here is a list of Telugu baby girl names starting with G. We have listed girl names starting with G on this page. If we have omitted any names that you know of please send it to us with its meaning.
TELUGU Baby names list is available for Boys and girls. You can click on the required starting alphabet letter. You will get the actual meaning for each name.
Garden of the Lord; Notable; …. The King of Bird; Falcon; A Large …. One who Calculates; Astrologer; …. The Legend; Lord; Son of Lord …. Light Skinned; Fair-skinned; Fair; ….
Followers of ancient Persian religion. Guganesh . God Murugan / Kanthan. Guhan . Name of Lord Murugan.
4 Tryck upprepade gånger på eller tills det önskade tecknet visas. ”Subtitle (textremsa)” (se sidorna 52~54).
It contains baby boy names in Telugu with meaning. Skip to content Home; Girl Name. Religion. 100 Incredible Hindu girl names of Indian origin with meanings [2021] 100 Top Muslim baby girl names with Islamic meanings [updated in 2021]
Gulzar. Gulzarilal. Guna.
Biblical Boy Names - Christian baby names for boys straight from the Bible.Choosing from some of the Biblical boy names for your newborn child. Christian bab
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Abhijit: Abhijit is one Telugu name that can never lose its charm. It means ‘victorious’ in Hindi. Abhi will make a perfect nickname for your baby. 83. Abhimoda: This is one of our favorites.
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Honour; Prestige; Glory; Proud; …
Telugu Girl Names » G. Life; A Piece of Heart; God is …. Garden; Troop; Going to do ….
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